
Paperboard and Cartonboard are thick, versatile, and rigid paper products commonly used in various packaging and graphic applications. Paperboard’s versatility, printability, and strength make it an essential material in the packaging, printing, and graphic design industries, offering an array of creative and practical possibilities.

Canusa Paper and Packaging offers Paperboard and Cartonboard in various grades, each with specific properties to suit our accounts varied applications.

Zu den Produkten gehören:

  • Festes gebleichtes Sulfat (SBS)
  • Beschichtetes Naturkraftpapier (CNK, SUS)
  • Faltschachtelkarton (FBB)
  • Cupstock & Plate Stock
  • Beschichteter Recyclingkarton (CRB)
  • Unbeschichteter Recyclingkarton (URB) / Spanplatte
  • Tube & Coreboard

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